Sounding for Transformation

Sounds Combo - Sounds, Humming and Overtoning for Optimum Wellbeing 

All Creation, cells, DNA/Mitochondria and Source/Universe within, are listening, and taking action accordingly so do speak the intentions out loud too ideally before sounding it out to the quantum field 

My very clear, coherent and loving intention is _________________________ !

I claim my innate birthright to ______________ , and I own it! ... OR ... I align with __________________ !

Cells, please respond to my coherent, Heartfelt intentions and integrate, embody and emit these vibrations clearly, within ...  and all around for the betterment of all HUmanity!

93.96 Hz            I align with optimal overall Wellbeing; Regenerate and Rejuvenate to optimal perfection! I align with weight loss, improved digestion, healthier and more radiant skin complexion, increased energy and vitality, increased natural ability to heal, improved muscle tone; I align with the Physical Universal (12th Harmonic of the 7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance)

101.79 Hz          I embody the purest energies of the Heart, Love, Compassion and Blessings; I align with Super Galactic Centre and Gateway (13th Harmonic of the 7.83 Hz Schumann Resonance)

109.62 – 111Hz  I integrate and embody Organic Prime Creator Source, Soul, Wholeness, Totality within; I align with optimum potential, super powers of creation and with optimum, organic Creator Source paradigm;             I am perfect, whole and complete ... I have arrived! I AM Unified Source Wholeness within                                

128 Hz              I declare/command: Relax body tissue; relieve muscle tension, spasms and pain; improve blood circulation; stimulates nerves on skin and hair; AM: I express my Authentic, Transparent, True Self with honesty and integrity; PM: Clear imbalanced patterns;   Personal Soul Song ... singing it to my Being

144 Hz              I cut through and let go of the dross, baggage, blockages, stuck energies and patterns, and all energy drains; I activate and align with full potential within; (and sound out 528 Hz for coherence and clarity afterwards)

174 Hz              Neutralize all pain, tension and stress, and root cause/s; organs to function at optimal state (I choose to function at optimal state); organs to feel safe, secure and loved (I feel safe, secure and loved; Organs, thank you for doing your very best!)

220 Hz              I align with the resonance of tree roots; all is truly well

285 Hz              Regenerate and restore tissue (I allow my Self to be restored to my original, updated, optimum state)

396 Hz              I choose to liberate myself fully and totally on all levels of my Being; I let go of all fear, shame, guilt, worry and anxiety and the root cause/s, be it ancestral, multidimensional or other; I am worthy of all the abundance, wealthy wellbeing and blessings, worthy of it all, simply because I exist ... simply because I decide it is so! I am enough exactly as I am; I am good enough; I am infinitely worthy!

417 Hz              I let go of trauma, drama, chaos, confusion, negativity, dense vibes, resistance, all judgement and criticism; I choose to experience relief! I allow change; I align with: Truth, Freedom, Liberation, Love, Joy, Peace, Harmony, Balance, Abundance, Wealthy Wellbeing ... within .... and all around; I choose to get unstuck, move forward and create anew! Facilitate change and undo situations; I fully align with my true Path and Purpose now; I let go of all that is blocking the path to achieving my Heartfelt intentions; I let go of all limiting and restricting subconscious beliefs, blockages, habits and patterns ... ancestral, multidimensional, or any other ...

432 Hz              I align with Nature’s Miracles; I choose to integrate and embody Universal Love, Harmony and Balance; Neutralize and clear geopathic stress frequency and replaced with Pure Love; Fill with feelings of Peace and Wellbeing

528 Hz              I integrate and embody: optimum clarity, miraculous and magical personal miracles; I align with miracles, coherence, clarity, unity, joyful and abundant experiences ... ; I connect with morphogenetic fields of _________; Miraculous Miracles! I ask and allow for _______ , (and I am ready, able and willing to receive it, now!); Restore inner Balance and Harmony within; conscious creation! Activate, optimise, integrate and embody multidimensional mitochondrial DNA; Regenerate and rejuvenate cells; simply great to clear energies in the room/space with clear intention! 

639 Hz Balance, harmonise and strengthen all relationships, connections and sense of unity; increase innerstanding, tolerance and empathy; create more harmony; Balance emotions and elevate the mood

741 Hz              Awaken intuition and psychic insights; cleanse the body; detox all toxins (viral, fungal, bacterial, electromagnetic etc); I align with pure and stable life; I change my way of eating/life; perceive solutions; Self-expression!; increase mental clarity

852 Hz              Communicate with and live in harmony with my highest aspect of Self/Source/Soul

963 Hz              Source frequency; Align, merge and expand with/as Organic Unified Source Field of Pure Love   (I return to updated, original, organic optimum Natural perfection)

Use tuning forks, sound pipes or simply sound it out with your own voice or hummmmm the sounds with ‘nose vibrating’ with the help of or Function Generator App or Binaural Beats App etc.

Eileen Day McKusick for tuning forks and Eileen Day McKusick Youtube Channel and two books; Thank you Eileen!

Tuning forks from the UK and possibility to order your very own ‘one off’ tuning fork from; Thank you!

The Complete Guide to Sound Healing by David Gibson – book/webinars/research; Thank you David!

with Love and Heart-full Blessings,



Simple SOLUTION Simplified


Conscious Creation from Alpha State