Conscious Creation from Alpha State

My darling Dad used to practice the transformational Jose Silva Alpha Method back in the 1970’s amongst his yoga and meditation practices. In addition to listening to the brainwave entrainment vibes of 10.5 Hz (or maybe 7.83 Hz as the Schumann Resonance base/foundation frequency?), here are some Alpha delights for you to play with to shift your current perception, internal state of being and the ‘outer reality’ from within … all from within, inner to outer.

Consciously Creating from the Alpha Brainwave State

I find a comfortable position, sitting or lying down (ideal time to do: upon waking up/before going to sleep)

I close my eyes and ‘behind my eyelids’ I look upward on the spot between the eyebrows / 20 % upwards (triggers the brain to produce Alpha)

I declare my clear, coherent intention: I’m going into Alpha!

With my eyes closed, while exhaling, I mentally visualize the number 3, and repeat this 3 times ... in my mind's eye, a large golden white number 3 flashes 3 times (anchors the association of the number 3 with physical relaxation)

I spend some time imagining my body relaxing from the top of my head to the soles of my feet ... feeling a wave of relaxation oozing like a delicious, relaxing nectar from my head all the way down ...

Next, while exhaling, I mentally visualize the number 2, and repeat this 3 times ... a large golden white number 2 flashes 3 times (anchors the association of the number 2 with mental relaxation) ... picturing tranquil scenes ... projecting myself mentally to my ideal place of relaxation ... imagining myself sitting on a hill overlooking the coast ... or mountain ... forest ... meadow ... beach ... by the brook ...

Now I feel completely relaxed, physically and mentally, ... and mentally visualize the number 1, and repeat this 3 times ... a large golden white number 1 flashes 3 times ... now I am at level 1, which is the Alpha level

Now that I am at Alpha, I can use this level for any purpose I intend/desire: work on manifestation at this level or use this time to mentally repeat affirmations/confirmations/declaration/commands such as:

Every day in every way I am getting better and better

I AM creating my reality

Positive thoughts bring me benefits and advantages I desire

My increasing mental faculties are for the betterment of HUmanity

Anything and everything is totally possible

My body listens to my mind; my mind listens to my Soul/Heart; my Soul/Heart leads the way!

I desire, believe and expect Simplified Solutions to Challenges!!! This, or something better, for my highest and best good, for the betterment of all/to benefit all involved!

Add hand movements and FEEL energy in hands ... Embody, circulate and emit all around!

I come out of Alpha level simply by counting back up from 1 to 5 and by saying:

At the count of 1 to 5 I am wide awake, feeling better than before!

I continue to practice this exercise at least once a day (ideal: in the morning when first waking up for 15-45 minutes and again before going to sleep for 15+ minutes! Works best if this is made into a routine!

Additional (Golden Key: Relaxed focus + vivid mental imagination):

Use Imagination (images are 1000 times more powerful than words!!!) with all senses and ‘pure knowingness’

Imagine a large movie screen 6 ft in front of you and project onto this screen your happy end result made manifest


Imagine yourself fully immersed in this ‘happy end result as is already’, using all senses ... feeling the vibrations and emotions of it all, so very excited and enthusiastic and so, so, so very happy, joyful and excited about it all!!!                    

Welcome/Invite In/Intend:

Make images vibrant and pulsating: When in deep meditative level, use vibrant, vivid, colourful, ‘big and bold’, pulsating, shimmering, ‘alive’ energetic vibrational images (+ reinforce effects with sounds!?)

Imagine a desired scene, the joyous end result, the ideal scene, surrounded by golden light

Use golden frames around the image and place a large golden check mark on this scene

Mentally confirm and declare what you do intend and desire

Feel how you feel with end result taking place with you ‘in it’, in the image, feeling joyful and excited

Hear others congratulating you, use all senses

Set specific date: NOW moment! I allow and accept ______ in my realm in this now moment

Remove/Let go of things/events/circumstances etc.

Imagine the ‘unwanted’

Use ‘dark/dull frame’ around the image

Draw/paint/stamp large red X through the image ... imagine it disappearing ... with gratitude and appreciation for the lessons learned and gifts acquired

3 Finger Technique – Emergency/Shortcut Trigger/Instant Memory Recall

Instead of 15 minutes of ‘Relax, go into Alpha + Create the screen + Experience the desired event’

Do this several times to ‘internalize’ it first:

Bring together thumb and first two fingers of either hand (maybe use the non-dominant hand so you free up the dominant hand to write etc?)

Your mind instantly adjusts to a deeper level

Make it the triggering mechanism by saying to yourself:

‘Whenever I join my fingers together like this – now join them – for a serious purpose, I instantly reach this level of mind to accomplish whatever I desire’

Do daily for a week, always using the same words

And inJOY instantly reaching an effective meditation level

Relax and realize: I remember and have a way of triggering instant memory recall

Use 3 Fingers Technique for Speed Learning ... Recall info more easily at Alpha

Speed up and deepen my understanding of what I am learning

Actively learn with 3 fingers together, seeing ______ on my mental screen

When listening lecture/When reading a book/When writing an exam/Improves focus/Info planted more firmly

Knowing the Solution for a Problem: Silva Three Scenes Technique: Turns Problem into Project

Takes only 3-5 minutes to complete after going into Alpha

Silva: From a subjective point of view, the past is to your right, the present is in front of you, and the future is to your left

1.     Go into Alpha Level with the 3-2-1 method ‘I’m going into Alpha’

2.     On your Mental Screen directly in front of you, for the first scene, thoroughly recreate an event in your life which involves a problem that you know how you want resolved, and just relive it for a moment ... and push the screen to the right

3.     Now for the second scene, shift your awareness 15 degrees to the left of the first scene, and mentally picture yourself taking some kind of action to change the situation. Any little thing you can think of is just fine here ... research completed ... clients responding ... ; imagining solution at work, all is working beautifully ... all images vivid, bright and bold! Ideal/happy/positive/all better/feeling great ... Push this scene off the screen to the right

4.     For the third scene, shift another 15 degrees farther to the left, and see the end state of the situation exactly as you intend and desire it to be; all as great that can be; imagining it as it has already happened; feeling ‘as is already’ happened; feeling the full effect of this wonderful, desired event and scene with all senses; making the scene as detailed as possible, with full colours and an exact representation of your desired end state. Try to really feel the emotions that would go along with that end state ... joy ... relief ... bliss ... ecstacy ...freedom ...Also think of all the people benefitting from this end state. The more people who benefit, the better! Finally, feel gratitude and be thankful that it is done. And believe that. Know that it has been created!  

5.     At the count of 1 to 5 I am wide awake, feeling better than before!

Feel confident and know that you have just put forces to work for you in the direction of creating the event you desire! Get a feeling when things are working!

Silva Mental Video Technique for getting help from a Greater Power/ Universe/Creator Source

This is for cases when you don’t know what the right answer might be, and really need help from a greater power

Phase 1 is done in the morning or during the daytime

Phase 2 is done at night, preferably just before you go to sleep at night. The reason for doing this at night, just before sleep is that you will be utilizing the Delta brainwave level. The Delta level is where you are able to create and tap into higher energy sources.

So here are the exact steps:

Phase 1: in the morning or during the daytime: Sit down and keep your eyes open, staying in ‘awake Beta’ level (not going into Alpha).

Contemplate and analyze the problem; make a good study of the challenge

Now imagine that you have a small video recorder and you are shooting a video recording the problem

Just make sure your video includes and explains the details of the problem, as specifically as possible; the video doesn’t need to be very long, perhaps 1 or 2 minutes, just long enough to capture the problem at hand; now that you have your short video, close your eyes and ‘watch’ the video one more time; at this point when you watch your video, you should still be in Beta, even though your eyes are closed; so, eyes open (in Beta), create the short 1 to 2 minute Mental Video showing the details of the problem; then, eyes closed (also in Beta), watch the video one more time; then, you’re going to go on with your day

Phase 2: Once you are in bed and ready to go to sleep, first go into Alpha, using the 3-2-1 Method, then review your Mental Video for the third time

Convert the ‘problem into a project’ by passing your Mental Video up to Higher Intelligence so that Higher Intelligence can provide the right solution for you; i.e. ‘Over to you’

When I say passing it up to Higher Intelligence, this is where your imagination comes in; you could imagine the video being burned in flames, or turning into a vapor, or being mailed off

What I personally do is just see the video flying up into the dark ethers until it disappears; use your imagination here and do whatever works best for you

Now that you’ve handed your Mental Video off to Higher Intelligence, create one more Mental Video showing a step-by-step procedure of the resolution, to whatever clarity you know; so to use the example of not being happy with your job, this video would show the outcome that you desire, in a step-by-step fashion; you are basically going after what you expect to happen though you may not know exactly ‘how’ it will happen

Once you’ve created the solution Mental Video, now send that up to Higher Intelligence; now that both of the Mental Videos have been created and handed off to Higher Intelligence, simply go to sleep with the intention and expectation that your Mental Videos have been delivered successfully

Over the next three days, look for any indication that may point to a possible resolution; also, when you think of the project, think of the solution that you created in your Mental Video in a past-tense sense and already resolved; don’t do this exercise again for that same problem/project for the three days, just wait and be observant; during these three days be on the alert for anything that might be related to the project’s solution; look for any sign! It could be something very subtle or unexpected, or an answer totally different than what you might have thought; the answers are not necessarily what you think! Or it could be totally clear, where you get something that happens and you just know that you know that it is the answer you were seeking; if within three days you simply don’t get any sign or answer (even though you’ve been on high alert), go back and do the exercise again

When you begin this process, only focus on using this technique for one problem at a time; as you begin to get familiar with the process and see success in it, then continue to add new problems as necessary

Now you might be wondering why part of this technique is done just before going to sleep; the reason for this gets into purposefully utilizing the Delta brainwave level, which happens to us all naturally when we sleep; Jose explained (and research has recently begun to suggest) that when you are at the Delta level, that is the level of creation; Delta is like a doorway to the other side; the first brain frequencies ever detected in a foetus are the slow Delta frequencies; when a person dies a natural death, the brainwaves detected are Delta frequencies;

Know that this technique really does work and that when the signs and answers come, they may be showing you to do things slightly out of your comfort zone!

Creative Sleep and Dream Control Technique

Creator Source/Greater Power uses dreams as a method of communication with us

Deliberately create dreams to solve specific problems

Higher Intelligence does exists and its ability to communicate with me does exist

Just before going to sleep, say:

‘I want to remember a dream. I remember a dream.’

            Paper and pencil by your bedside

            When waking up, write down what you remember of any dream

            Keep on and night after night the recall gets clearer and more complete


‘I want to have a dream that contains information to solve the challenge of ________. I have such a dream, I remember it, I understand it.’

When waking up, write down what you remember of the dream, recalling and reviewing the dream upon waking up and search for its meaning

Glass of Water Technique

Just before going to bed for the night, get a glass and fill it with water

Take the glass, and while drinking approximately half of the water, close your eyes, turn them slightly upward into ‘Alpha’ position, and say to yourself ‘This is all I need to do to find the solution to the problem I have in mind’

Put the glass away, with half of the water remaining in it, and go to sleep

When you wake up in the morning, drink the remaining half of the water in the glass, then again, close your eyes, turn them slightly upward, and say to yourself again, ‘This is all I need to do to find the solution to the problem I have in mind’

This works! The answer may come in the middle of the night, through a dream or you just wake up with the answer, or the answer may come during the daytime. Just be on the lookout for the answer! And like with everything, if you don’t get results right away, keep practicing!

Adapted from Source via : ‘The Silva Mind Control Method by José Silva’; Thank you José! and Eric from EvolvingtoLove Youtube Channel; Thank you Eric!

Happy Heartfelt and Heart-led Creations from the Heart, assisted by the mind!

with Love and Heart-full Blessings,



Sounding for Transformation


Clear and Reclaim Energies