Winter Solstice Bowl Burning

Winter Solstice Bowl Burning to ‘Let Go and Invite In’

The days around the Winter Solstice (UK : Friday 22nd December 2023, 3.27 a.m.) are extra potent ‘time’ for reality creation and manifesting. Maybe have some fun with this on the very day or few days before or after ... or indeed, anytime ... afterall, all the ‘time’ is present in the now moment, always in the NOW, always effective, always potent!

The Winter Solstice is really the start of my organic and biological New Year, and thus the perfect time to let go of the past year’s trials and tribulations as well as set a new energetic template for the coming year with true Heartfelt intentions and real desires.  Doing a bowl burning is a very simple yet very effective process.  

 Supplies you need:

  • Some sort of large bowl, preferably metal

  • Epsom salts/Sea salt

  • Rubbing alcohol

  • Bamboo skewer

  • Matches

  • Paper to write/doodle/sketch on

  • Pen/pencil

Sometime during the day, sit down and compose yourself.  On your paper, write down what you are releasing from the previous year.  You can write as much as you would like.  Then, write down your positive intent for the upcoming New Year.  This may be a shorter list with some simple statements of Heartfelt positive intent that will enhance your spiritual progress and process in the year to come.  This list is then attached to the bamboo skewer in any way that you would like.  

When the time comes to burn your list, always do it outside.  Pour some Epsom/Sea salts in the bowl and add some alcohol yet not too much, as that will drown out your lit match when you throw it into the bowl.   

Next, open a bubble of sacred space around you, light your fire and energize (speaking out loud = declaring it, anchoring it) your intent as stated on your paper.  Finally, toss your paper and skewer into the fire.  The purpose of the skewer is to keep your paper above the flames, as if you just throw the paper in, it will get soaked with the alcohol and may not burn completely.  Your skewer should burn completely, too.  Pay attention to anything energetic going on around you while doing your ceremony.  Surprising things may happen!  

Stay in contemplation by your fire until it is completely out.  Leave your bowl outside overnight and then later on, offer the Epsom/Sea salts and ashes to Mother Earth.

Have fun! Trust and believe in your Self and your abilities as the Creator Being and get to know the power of very focused intent and attention!

with Love and Heart-full Abundance Blessings,


Adapted from Source via Carla J Fox; Thank you Carla!



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