Who to Trust?

Ready to be surprised? It is great fun to check especially the politicians, public figures, influencers, Youtube interviews and especially perceived ‘gurus’ etc with the below mentioned divination tools!

With so much information ‘out there’ and some with deliberately of misleading variety, it is of vital importance to know who to trust. Trust your Self!

Always discern from within and listen to your Heart/Soul guidance gentle whispers from within … you ‘just know’ and it feels right and if it feels right, it is right! In this cosmic game all people are on different levels of Consciousness and Soul embodiment.

I have personally found the following tools of great help at times especially before departing with large sums of money or where there is a lot of ‘time’ to be invested. As you know what you focus on you feed more into being with your Life Force Energy, be it the ‘bad’ news or new great solutions. You discern and decide! Know your Creator Power and the Power of Love in moulding your unique subjective, reflective realm of reality moment by moment.

So here are a few charts to help you discern and decide with grace and ease as to who to trust. Only thing you need to know is what is your ‘Yes’ and what is your ‘No’ dowsing signs/answers and here is basic and fast help for that https://lettertorobin.wordpress.com. You only really need a string and a pendant/nut/bolt at the end of a string. These tools may save a lot of ‘time and effort’ for you, even in business dealings or when you need to make an informed decision!

Save Time and Effort Prep: ‘Neutral’

Clear all interference from my physical body and energy field on all levels of my Being!

Correct to Neutral on all levels of my Being now!

May I? Can I? Should I?

Checking the Soul/Source Embodiment and Integrity Levels of ‘Another’

Gives an indication of ‘Can I trust them?’

What is __________ ‘s level of Pure Love/Source Soul Essence Consciousness embodied, here and now?

What is __________ ‘s level of integrity/honesty/authenticity embodied here and now? (0-100%)

What is __________ ‘s level of Pure Love/Source Soul Essence Consciousness embodied here and now? (0-100%) if using just percentage chart and not above chart with the information

Who and What to Believe?


How accurate is ‘this information’?

How truthful is ’this person’?

Source credit for the above image: Source via Roxanne Louise; Thank you Roxanne! unlimitedpotentialhealingcenter.com

Have fun playing, discerning and ‘just knowing’ from your Heart/Soul and please do take active aligned action accordingly.

with Love and Heart-full Blessings,



Wings of Love


Water Magic