Tensor Rings
I am prompted to share the simplified version on Tensor Rings a la Slim Spurling so here goes:
Tensor Rings by Slim Spurling
A tensor ring is a superconductor that neutralises magnetic fields, producing a measurable dielectric effect. Tensor loops are exposed to the ebb and flow of electromagnetism in our universe. When electromagnetic fields move through the ring, a current is produced in the wire. This in turn creates a field, which creates a constant flow of energy in and around the ring. A Tensor-Ring is an infinite source of energy, which is neither electric nor magnetic. The energy produced by the Tensor field is healing for all life forms on Earth. A superconductor that neutralises magnetic fields, the tensor ring brings tranquillity and stability to chaos, and easily stabilises the bio-magnetic energy fields of the body. The Tensor field produces a measurable earth / gravity effect. The Tensor Rings can be used for many purposes and in different ways:
Put a ring on the head in case of headaches
In case of abdominal pain, place a ring on the stomach
In the case of joint pain, place a ring over the painful joints
Stimulate plant growth by placing a ring around the plant
Meditating in a large ring makes it easier to come into stillness
Place a ring under the pillow or under the bed for a better night's sleep
Charge drinking water by placing glass inside the Tensor Ring for thirty seconds; Rings can also be placed around the tap or water pipe
Placing rings around a power cable results in an orderly electrical flow and reduces the electro-magnetic radiation of lamps and sockets, reducing the electricity consumption
Smallest: Sacred Cubit 144mhz (144,000 Hz) Length: 52.4 cm; Diameter: 16.70 cm
Resonant harmonic of the Standing Universal Gravitational Wave
Works well at eliminating unhealthy energy fields (such as the Hartmann grid/Curry grid/Geopathic stress)
Neutralises Wifi radiation
Works perfectly against a polluted environment
This frequency mainly works on the physical and aspects of life
Helps manifest ideas: Attracts abundance
Has a vertical energy field
Works well against pain
Helps with grounding
Elements of earth and water; place around water; ‘ring treated water’: diminish need for food/sleep; increased inner sense of wellbeing; body receives everything it needs just from the water; the Light from the water is what sustains the peeps
Feminine energy
(Works on the fourth chakra)
Connects beings with the earth
Small pendant rings are very good for children and animals
Middle: Lost Cubit 177mhz (177,000 Hz) Length: 59.67cm; Diameter: 19.00 cm + also ‘Bangle’ ½ Lost Cubit
A lot stronger than the Sacred Cubit
This frequency mainly works on the mental, emotional and ethereal aspects of life
Has a calming and soothing effect
Works well against pain
Helps bring the brain in balance
Nice to meditate with
Element earth and aether
A horizontal energy
(Works on the third, fourth and sixth chakras)
Balanced feminine and masculine energy
Works perfectly against a polluted environment
Pets and plants love this frequency; Very good for schools
Slim’s book notes: truly transformative; like a scrying mirror; operates on metaphysical level through thought principle; intentions and wishes carried to a level that increases likelihood of manifestation ... hold the ring in the hand and voice intention to it with emotion
Largest: Empowerment Cubit 188mhz Length: 73.3cm
Decalcifies the pineal gland
Mainly works on the inner and invisible aspects of life
Essential for healing therapies
The most powerful of these three Cubit sizes
Helps in contact with the invisible; spiritual guides, guardians, angels, earth elementals
Feminine energy; Fire element
(Works on the third, fifth and sixth chakra)
Helps to come into your power; Perfect for people who use their voice a lot, such as singers, teachers, public speakers
Combo: Place Sacred Cubit Ring inside Lost Cubit Ring (Difference of 33,000 Hz!)
Creates double circle; rip in the veil; open to higher levels of Consciousness; brings more Light to bear = speeds up healing; often miraculous results!
with Love and Heart-full Blessings,