Speak Up!
Sleeping Beauty Turquoise
One moment I woke up with a clear instruction to Speak Up! and this, coupled with the clear cloud form of a beautifully radiant Sleeping Beauty Turquoise! Next moment I got guidance card: Speak up and share ideas that will manifest a better tomorrow - Energy Trail Manual! - and the moment after that, I heard Alisha B. say ‘speak up’ in a pre-recorded YouTube clip. So 3 times ‘speak up’ within a day, with a cloud image of Turquoise thrown in for added inspiration!
Yes, I am speaking up!
Yes, this is a participatory Universe and I am most certainly listening and paying attention and taking action accrodingly.
Yes, the training wheels are off since mid August, and we are in the midst of magnificent change never experienced before. How exciting!!! Super excited!!!
Also, only this morning I received very clear guidance and confirmation that when anyone is done with the human form experience i.e. shedding the physical body/form, it is now possible to proceed directly to Pure Organic Source of All, Pure Love, Joy and Bliss, without any white light tunnels, handlers or life reviews … that type of tricked/enforced reincarnation is now over unless one still intends to experience it again-again-again! Yes indeed, we HU-mans are creatures of habit so now is the very best moment to shift from the old and welcome and embody the new!
with Love and Heart-full of Blessings,