Magical in One Day

All in one day, Sunday 15th September:

I was dusting off my Aura Soma paintings and next moment I hear Donna say in the prerecorded Youtube clip about the two Aura Soma related Soul Colours

I just read ‘radiate’ from Donna’s website and then went off to FB and saw Nicky’s post with ‘your radiance’ … so I AM radiating my radiance!

I read and wrote ‘presence’ and next moment my sister-in-law texted ‘you have always had/have such Presence …’, followed by listening to Cynthia Sue Larson say ‘commanding presence’ in her month’s old YT clip and the 4th time the very poignant presence popped up was in the comments under another unrelated energy YT clip … Yes Source/Universe … I AM listening!!! A wee while before any of this I had asked for ‘show me with very clear signs that what I AM doing is working’ and yes, this works!

We saw the youngsters for a lovely lunch and I mentioned how Bubbles the dog is feeling and flowing with the energy shifts and and it appears that Oskar’s and Melissa’s Skye is too and upon returning back home I see Kerry’s post ‘the animals are feeling it’

I AM listening! Are you listening?

with Love and Heart-full Blessings,



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