Let’s Purify Water
Simplified Water Purification and Energizing for Good Drinking Water
Everything is energy! Energy follows thought! Everything is Consciousness! Water is Consciousness! Water is alive!
Know how to dowse or just use your pure, clear, coherent Heart-felt intention
With dowsing: CC = counter clockwise ie ‘undo’ and C= clockwise ie ‘do/add’
Bold text: most important!
Pendulum goes in ‘CC’ direction:
Scramble the frequency of all chemical, biological, radiological and all other pollutants in the water
Scramble the frequency of all detrimental and negative energies, entities and thoughtforms in the water
Scramble all negative memory and negative emotions in the water
Pendulum goes in ‘C’ direction:
Transform this energy to the energy of Pure Water
Pendulum goes in ‘CC’ direction:
Remove the Spirit of Greed from the water
Pendulum goes in ‘C’ direction:
Transform this energy to the energy of Pure Water
Transform all negative emotions in the water into Pure Love
Bring the Spirit of Water into this water with Love, Respect and Gratitude. Thank you Spirit of Water (3)
Bring in the Spirits of Joy, Laughter, Wellbeing, Clarity, Truth, Freedom, Liberation and Prosperity into this water
Increase the energy of this water to the highest, optimal, most appropriate level for me and my family
Energize all water that comes in contact with the energy field of this water to equal that of Pure Water ... and repeat this process continuously (Also putting a few drops of the ‘energized water’ into another container of water will energize it)
Add the following if so guided to do (C direction):
Bring the Spirit of Raymon Grace’s Montana Spring into this water, with optimum good taste, purity and energy
Spirit of Water, please enter ‘this container of water’ and raise the energy of the water to the highest, most appropriate level.
Bring in optimum, most appropriate nutrients and minerals
Align with optimum wellbeing / help with joints / invite clarity and highest good
(CC Direction): Neutralize and remove bad odour and taste from a well / correct physical challenges with people and animals / remove algae from the spring ...
Copyright: Pure Prime Creator Source via Raymon Grace! Adapted with gratitude from Raymon Grace; raymongrace.us; Thank you Raymon! To the dowser/reader: Thank you for affecting change in the world to benefit all life and all creation!
Let’s not forget the miracle maker Patrick MacManaway either who sings to water and makes it appear without any rainfall in parched areas. We all can do it!
with Love and Heartfull Blessings,