HUNA Prayer

HUNA Prayer

Many years ago - some twenty years ago!!! - I manifested my first Bio-resonance machine and massage table by using HUNA Prayer for thirty days. I received the required funds through totally unexpected tax refund and agreeable husband.  Delightful result!

This is the HUNA Prayer version I used:

I AM My Mighty I AM Presence and by the Power of Universe that I AM I declare:

I allow my cellular structure to respond to the vibration of my intent now.

Dear Universe,

I now ask and pray with all my heart and soul for ________________ ,

(whatever it is that you desire).

Thank you for the opportunity (to help people in my life /

(state  the benefit to others / other life in some way).

So be it. So it is. It’s done. Thank you.


Dear Subconscious Mind,

I hereby ask you to take this prayer with all the energy needed to bring it to reality through my Higher Self to Divine Pure Source.


So be it. So it is. It’s done. Thank you.


Wait for 15-30 seconds.

Visualise prayer shooting through the Subconscious Mind and Crown to All That Is, the Divine Pure Source Energy.

Say/sing/hum OM [AUM] quietly three times and relax

Put your palms upwards and be open to receive.

Say ‘I AM open to receive’


Dear Universe, let the rain of blessings fall. (Visualise your result)

So be it. So it is. It’s done. Thank you.


Excerpt from the Energetic Trail Manual (Manifesting Bowl section) by Tuula Ainley

with Love and Heart-full Blessings,




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