How to Dowse?
How to Dowse with a Pendulum (by Alicja Aratyn
With your dominant hand, hold the pendulum by its string between your thumb & index finger. Starting at the bottom of the string (closest to the pendulum) state your request or intention: “Show me my wavelength” - then walk your fingers up the string releasing it slowly until you will get a consistent movement. This is then your wavelength. Mark this spot by moving the beads on your Pendulum sting to that spot. If no beads on your Pendulum then simply remember the spot by measuring the length of string at that point against a part of your hand (such as a finger between joints). This way you will forever have a reference point to quickly allow you to remember where to hold the string for your wavelength.
Next, repeat in your mind: “Show me the 'YES' direction” until you see a steady, regular pattern of movement.
This shows you the direction of your YES response. Repeat the process again, this time asking for your 'NO' direction or response.
Now you are ready to dowse.Practice your dowsing skills as often as you can. When beginning, 15-20 minutes is a good length of time.
Please remember - when you dowse let go of any desires, needs or wants that may influence your outcome. Stay open to the truth. Ensure your questions are unambiguous.
Clear the pendulum before and after each session by tapping it gently against a hard surface (table, book, etc).
Observe the pendulum for the answer. Wait until it moves in a regular pattern. This can take up to 30 seconds. The pendulum first tests its environment for options, then stops, then moves in the direction of the answer. No movement implies that the question needs to be rephrased or you lost your focus. If the pendulum movement becomes erratic, take a break.
Have FUN in your explorations, especially when involving others’ integrity and honesty!
Thank you Alicja for sharing!
with Love and Heart-full Blessings,