3 6 9 Creation Energy
What if the numbers 3, 6 and 9 represent the pathways that alchemize energy to materialise into physical form?
What if the numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 represent the already manifested ingredients of the physical form materialised?
What if the numbers 3, 6 and 9 create Harmony and BG3 (refer to Biogeometry and Dr Ibrahim Karim)
What if by speaking out loud your intention such as I AM being activated to my full potential to the tune of 3, 6 and 9 times deliver the end result with grace and ease? Like so:
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
I AM being activated to my full potential
Embody … In the Heart Space …Emit this vibe all around from fingertips … inJOY!
Have fun playing!
with Love and Heart-full Blessings,